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What do you consider to be Freud’s most significant contribution to the discipline of psychology?

Assignment 2: Discussion—Freudian Theory

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Sigmund Freud, although one of the best-known personality theorists, is probably also one of the most controversial in the field of psychology. When starting to consider theories of personality, one must begin with a look at Sigmund Freud, as he was one of the first theorists to develop a psychoanalytical theory that was based on real-life patients and not studies conducted in a lab. Even if you do not agree with his theories, he is the starting point from which many other theorists have begun. Specifically, he was concerned with the development of the personality and how it created the neuroses he saw in many of his patients.

Research Freud’s theories using your textbook, the Internet, and the Argosy University online library resources. Based on your research, respond to the following:

  • What do you consider to be Freud’s most significant contribution to the discipline of psychology?
  • Of his different theories, which one do you feel is the most controversial?
  • What life factors and sociocultural factors do you think led Freud to come to the conclusions that he did?
  • Why do many people disagree with the development of Freud’s theories?
  • In general psychology and even popular culture today, there are a number of concepts that are based in Freudian theory that many do not realize stem from him. Identify a few ideas and terms that can be traced back to Freud.


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