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The Nursing Crisis

Week 4 Reflective Journal 2 Click the link above to submit your journal assignment. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.  Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Reflective Journal 2: Analyzing an AudienceDue Week 4 and worth 40 pointsMost academic, political, and business papers have a specific primary audience, but they also include secondary audiences. Address these criteria:Describe the primary and secondary audiences for your selected topic.Document Preview: 

Week 4 Reflective Journal 2 Click the link above to submit your journal assignment. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.  Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Reflective Journal 2: Analyzing an AudienceDue Week 4 and worth 40 pointsMost academic, political, and business papers have a specific primary audience, but they also include secondary audiences. Address these criteria:Describe the primary and secondary audiences for your selected topic. Explain reasons these are the major audiences for your selected topic. Describe the expectations these audiences have about a writer’s research and evidence to support his/her claims. here to access the rubric for this assignment.Discussion 1: Analyzing Essays that Offer Solutions to ProblemsPlease respond to the following:Read the three essays in Chapter 11 (“The Nursing Crisis; The Solution Lies Within,” “An Open Letter to the Community,” and “Request for a Work Schedule Change.”) Analyze the arguments and compare the effectiveness of their thesis statements, proposed solutions, and evidence. Identify which one you think is most effective. Explain.Discussion 2: Comparing Writing Styles Please respond to the following:Continue to analyze and compare the three essays in Chapter 11 and comment on their effectiveness or need for improvement in these areas: (A) opening and closing paragraphs and (B) cohesive devises (connective words and phrases, word repetition, transitional sentences and paragraphs). Provide examples from the essays and explain the reasons for your views. 5 Assignment 3 Please click the link above to submit your assignment.Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable…



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