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Psychology homework help

(Explain History,Theorist,psychotherapy)
 The paper assignment should include the following structure and it must comply with APA written standards: Title page (1), Abstract (1), Content pages (5), Conclusion (1), and References (1). Therefore, there must be a minimum of nine (9) pages per project
All work must comply with APA written standards:
A)  Title page (1) Check Rubric Criteria
B)  Abstract page (1), The abstract must have at least 1 paragraph with no less than 8 lines.
C) Body or content pages (5), topic is developed here
D)  Conclusion page  (1), Should be your own analysis of your findings.  At least half a page
E)  References (1).  Cited in the body, 
Therefore, there must be a minimum of 9 pages per project
Research Paper Project Given to you for General Psychology.
These are some of the aspects you may utilize as a guide: This is only a general guide in case you don’t know how to start a literature research.  It varies according to the theme. In your own words. No copy and paste as I will not accept it and it is penalized as plagiarism.

  • The tittle applied to psychology and your field of study.
  • When that word or terminology was coined? 
  • Why the name of the disorder / concept or definition.
  • Criteria to be followed in order to be diagnosed with this specific disorder according to the DSM-5 Edition.
  • History
  • Scholars or theorist related to that topic
  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Different types
  • Preventions
  • Treatment plans for short-term goals and long-term goals
  • Tips or suggestions on how to overcome the disorder
  • Parenting skills to help the individuals
  • How it apply to your field
  • Controversies around that topic


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