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Principles of Total QualityT

APA file for reference only…. – Principles of Total QualityThere are three principles of total quality: customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork.Document Preview: 

Principles of Total QualityThere are three principles of total quality: customer focus, continuous improvement, and teamwork. Find three articles that describe current practices in healthcare organizations. Each article should illustrate one principle of total quality. Refer to professional journals such as Modern Healthcare, Provider Magazine, and Nursing Homes. You will write a paper based on your review of the articles. Include the following in the paper:Describe each principle of quality and show how it is illustrated in the article.Analyze the relationships between the three principles of quality.Examine whether the principle in one example might apply to other examples.The paper should be a 3-page Word document. Format the paper in APA style, citing sources. ArticlesCustomer Focus Improvement have put the article with links in order to complete the assignment. Please do not plagiarize or copy the information from the website.


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