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Personal Leadership in nursing

Personal Leadership in nursing
Paper details ASSIGNMENTclick here for more information on this paperIn this written assignment, you will clarify your current beliefs about leadership in nursing and you will critically analyze the fit between your current beliefs and the literature. The 1st part is about your own values and beliefs, so it is very personal but then you need to situate it within the literature to demonstrate how you fit or do not fit with the literature.The 2nd part is much broader and is about your ideal vision related to leadership in nursing as a profession.The 3rd part is about what you think you yourself should be doing in order to live out your values/beliefs about leadership within the context of your vision for nursing. For example, as an educator who believes in the importance of facilitating a student’s growth might also talk a little about how the current systems constrain me from meeting my goals.Remember to relate all of your reflections to the literature, even though you will be writing about your personal beliefs and so on. It is expected that you use the literature from course materials, but additional new material should also be here for more information on this paperYour personal paper about leadership should be no more than 5 typed pages double-spaced (excluding cover sheet and references) and must follow APA format, including a cover page and judicious use of headings. Please become familiar with the APA materials that I have posted on Moodle and use them to ensure you follow correct APA style. The APA folder within the Introduction folder even contains an example cover page and first page that you could use as the template for how to format your assignment. The references within this course are in APA
format and I recommend you use them as your template for references. I prefer that you single space your references, similar to the format in this course outline, as it saves space and pages.Depth of analysis is essential, so be careful to explore each area. Your grade will reflect the extent to which you meet the following criteria:Level of critical reflection in how you describe your values and beliefs related to leadership in nursing, i.e., what is important to you when nursing with persons you are leading, and relate to the literature
Level of critical reflection in how you describe your vision related to leadership in nursing,i.e., what you envision the practice of leadership in nursing should be, and relate to the literature.Level of critical reflection in how you describe your mandate as a nurse in the context of leading, i.e., your personal policy or course of action in providing and promoting nursing leadership, and relate to the literature.Coherence, flow, and clarity of paper; relevant and accurate use of headings; accurate citation of references according to APA; follows APA format, e.g., running head, spacing
between sentences, etc.include reference page and one of the article you use to write this paper


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