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Mental health issues

Mental health issues – Mental health issues are another big concern when it comes to aging and the elderly. Dementia, depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, and other mental health problems affect seniors more frequently than other populations, and are often not noticed right away.

Arthritis and Joint Problems – Joint problems can be one of the health concerns with aging. Joint deterioration and arthritis can cause pain and stiffness, sometimes to the point where movement and mobility is severely limited. With seniors the inability to move easily and painlessly can be a big obstacle and issue.

Kentucky is overhauling its elderly services with the aim of stretching resources and helping aging baby boomers remain independent and live out their final years at home, rather than in an institution.  The state has struggled to keep up with demand, forcing many elderly residents to remain on waiting lists for critical programs or enter nursing homes earlier than necessary.

ELIZABETHTOWN, Ky. – (Sept. 19, 2011) – More than 100 Elizabethtown area seniors learned how to recognize and avoid investment fraud at a Senior Scam Jam seminar today.

The Senior Scam Jam is designed to raise awareness about the techniques con artists use, so seniors can recognize the tactics and protect themselves from fraud. During the first half of the program, participants chose two of three workshops covering mail fraud (presented by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service), insurance fraud (presented by the Department of Insurance) and loan fraud (presented by the Department of Financial Institutions, or DFI). In the afternoon, the entire group heard presentations covering investment fraud (DFI and AARP) and identity theft (Kentucky Attorney General’s Office and the Better Business Bureau). All participants received free handouts and materials, including a contact sheet so seniors would know who to call with questions.

“Since 2003, statistics show Americans lose an estimated $300-600 billion each year to fraud,” said DFI Commissioner Charles Vice. “We hope to prevent future scams from taking place by helping seniors identify red flags and find out where to get help.”

I decided to take the fitness assessment.  As much of a fitness nut as I am the first question had me a little concerned.  I know how important stretching is and I still have a hard time doing it before and after my daily workouts.  I have been injured several times due to not stretching but somehow I pay little attention to this part of exercise.  I consider myself graceful and strive to excel when it comes to balance and control.  When it comes to outgrowing old clothes the assessment assumes that it is due to body fat.  This is simply not the case.  Five years ago I was 165 pounds and very lean and fit.  Today I am closer to 190 lbs.  I have worked very hard at the gym to build lean muscle mass and I have outgrown most of my clothes because my shoulders arms and chest have increased in size.  While I have never had a personal trainer I have been to the gym enough and talked to enough people to understand how to get the results I desire.  Although it suggest a personal trainer I have been involved in fitness for years and know how to balance muscle building with cardio exercise.

The assessment does touch on your daily activities as it relates to your job.  I know that my job isn’t ideal for physical fitness, which is why I spend a great deal of time exercising.  I am on the computer for many hours of the day between my full time job, my personal business as well as being a full time student.


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