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Location and History of Community or population chosen ( i.e., when did the parish program or clinic or homeless shelter start and who started it?

This assignment is due on Saturday January 20, 2013 at 6am EST, it is very important to use APA format throughout this entire assignment and the similarity scores cannot be more than 15%. Were require you must include an abstract, title page , page number, and a reference list all formatted in APA. And it is important that you clearly present the report in different sections as the questions and below underlining each section as you give the responses to avoid confusing .
COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT (100 Points Total) Provide a report based on the outline below. At least 8 pages excluding title and references page.
The following categories are grouped according to community systems, and will be the focus of this community assessment. Much of the data will be found through computer databases, windshield survey and talking with key informants in the community if possible . Cite or reference each source of data collected.
SECTION ONE: Impacts of Health and Social Services (Section is worth 20 Points)
Location and History of Community or population chosen ( i.e., when did the parish program or clinic or homeless shelter start and who started it?)
Determine what geographical area your Community Assessment should consider. It should be census track (very small) or zip code level OR (large) at the county, and city levels. Just be sure to be able to collect enough data to complete the template for your chosen community.
Vital and Demographic Statistics of the Community in General
Population density
Population; composition ( gender, age, and race distribution and ethnic origin )
Population characteristics ( marital status and family types )
Mortality characteristics ( infant & maternal mortality rates, leading cause of death )
Morbidity characteristics ( incidence and prevalence rates of specific diseases )
Values, Beliefs, and Religious Practices – demonstrate a good understanding of the underlying beliefs and values of the population chosen.
Health & Social…



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