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Locate a health care professional who utilizes and applies health and wellness programs. To locate this professional, consider the suggested list below. The best approach is to simply start at the top of the list and work your way down until you?re able to secure the interview. Your selection is not restricted to the list below, these are simply suggestions.

Locate a health care professional who utilizes and applies health and wellness programs. To locate this professional, consider the suggested list below. The best approach is to simply start at the top of the list and work your way down until you?re able to secure the interview. Your selection is not restricted to the list below, these are simply suggestions..

Locate a health care professional who utilizes and applies health and wellness programs. To locate this professional, consider the suggested list below. The best approach is to simply start at the top of the list and work your way down until you?re able to secure the interview. Your selection is not restricted to the list below, these are simply suggestions.

School nurse
Military medic
Local gym
Nurse or other healthcare professional
Personal trainer
Public health administrator
Volunteer in a wellness program

Interview the person about their experiences with health and wellness programs. Be sure to include the following questions:
How do you define health and wellness?
Do you have specific programs for your target populations?
What kinds of health and wellness activities do you conduct for the populations you serve?
What goals do you have for the population you serve?
What do you enjoy the most about your work? In regards to your program, what are some areas you think need improving? What are some challenges you face?




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The post Locate a health care professional who utilizes and applies health and wellness programs. To locate this professional, consider the suggested list below. The best approach is to simply start at the top of the list and work your way down until you?re able to secure the interview. Your selection is not restricted to the list below, these are simply suggestions. appeared first on the nursing professionals.

Locate a health care professional who utilizes and applies health and wellness programs. To locate this professional, consider the suggested list below. The best approach is to simply start at the top of the list and work your way down until you?re able to secure the interview. Your selection is not restricted to the list below, these are simply suggestions.


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