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Identify a topic that is significant for you as a future leader in nursing. You will want a topic that demonstrates your application of management theory to practice.

Identify a topic that is significant for you as a future leader in nursing. You will want a topic that demonstrates your application of management theory to practice. Keep the topic manageable– not too broad or expansive. Remember that you have only six pages to discuss the significance of your topic, explore what others have said in at least ten citations from evidenced-based nursing leadership literature, discuss what you have learned about your chosen topic, and if appropriate, how you will incorporate the ideas from your research into your future practice.  Examples include but are not limited to the following:

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Quality Improvement/Risk Management

Delegation (eg. Unregulated Health Care Providers)


Labor Relations (eg. Working in unionized environments; grievances, arbitration)


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