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Health care providers

6105 Topic: HA19 W2R1 Number of Pages: 1 (Double Spaced) Number of sources: 2 Writing Style: APA Type of document: Essay Academic Level:Master Category: Nursing Language Style: English (U.S.) Order Instructions: Health care providers come across various situations every day. If I were performing a health history assessment on someone who was not able to communicate fully I would employ several different tactics to gather information. To begin, I would try to establish trust. Trust and respect can allow a patient to be more open when sharing information (Bickley, 2013). Feelings of not being heard and acknowledged can impair recovery (Baddley, 2018). An environment that is comfortable for the patient and awareness of nonverbal cues can improve communication. A provider must be aware of his/her own nonverbal cues and also be aware of the patient’s nonverbal cues. Nonverbal actions such as facial features, body language such as crossing of the arms, and eye contact are important to watch in the patient. For example, if asking a patient about physical abuse, and he/she stops eye contact and fiddles with his/her hands, this would prompt the provider to gently investigate the question more thoroughly. Another example may be with a patient who is developmentally disabled who is facial grimacing. This facial grimacing may be due to pain or discomfort or may be nothing at all. Although nonverbal communication has a standard emotion related to many nonverbal gestures that may not be true with developmentally delayed patients (Phelvin, 2013).When a provider has a patient that is not able to fully communicate, other sources such as family members, care givers, and previous health records can all be helpful. When working with patients from other cultural backgrounds and primary languages, brochures and diagrams with pictures could prove very useful. When working with seniors it is important to give them time to share their stories and not rush them (Bickley, 2013). When working with infants, information can be gathered from the parents and caregivers, or reviewing of the medical chart. References Baddley, D. (2018). Enhancing Effective Communication Among Non-Verbal Patients. Pediatric Nursing, 44(3), 144–146. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Bickley, L.S. (2013). Overview: Physical examination and history taking. Bates’ guide to physical examination and history-taking, 11 ed. New York: Lippincott, Williams, & Wilkins. ISN-13: 978-1609137625. Phelvin, A. (2013). Getting the message: intuition and reflexivity in professional interpretations of non-verbal behaviours in people with profound learning disabilities. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 41(1), 31–37. ** Please provide response writing with references. All references must be in APA format and published within the last 5 years.


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