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Explain the importance of epidemiology for informing scientific, ethical, economic, andpolitical discussion of health issues.

Unit 4 Assignment: Assignment Title: Sweet drinks or Marijuana?Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:Apply epidemiological perspective to an issue in regards to political implications andoverall health impact.Course outcome assessed/addressed in this Assignment:

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PU520-2:Explain the importance of epidemiology for informing scientific, ethical, economic, andpolitical discussion of health issues.InstructionsIn this scenario you have been hired by the President of the United States of America to provide health policy recommendations. Currently there is a great debate about if we should outlaw super-sized soft drinks or legalize marijuana. You need to research bothoptions, decide which one you recommend and create a PowerPoint presentationpresenting and justifying your recommendation.RequirementsThe presentation should be visually appealing,geared toward a non-health professionalaudience and should include the following sections:A cover slide with your name and presentation title (1 slide)An overview of both issues from a healthperspective including scientifically provenhealth pros and cons (3–6 slides)

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Specific health information for each issue as it relates to obesity rates (2 slides, one foreach topic)An overview of both issues from an economic perspective (4–6 slides)An overview of both issues from an ethical perspective (4–6 slides)An overview of both issues from a political perspective (4–6 slides)Your recommendation regarding which one to pursue for policy implementation and anexplanation why (2–4 slides)Reference list


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