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Epidemiological Study Designs

Epidemiological Study Designs
Understanding the differences among the types of epidemiological study designs is important for translating the results to public health practice. For this Discussion, you will identify and design epidemiological research studies. To prepare, review the Learning Resources about epidemiologic study designs. Then, go to the Walden Library or another scholarly library and find an epidemiological research study that was published in the last 3 months and uses one of the study designs we are learning about in this module.
– Briefly summarize the study in your own words, identify the study design it uses, and discuss what features it has that identify it as that type of study design. Do not just copy the abstract or parts of the article. Then, redesign the same study using a different study design than the authors did. This does not mean finding another article on the topic. Instead, pretend you are the epidemiologist and design your own study on the topic, using the information we’ve been learning in class about study designs, exposures, outcomes, and measures of association. You are the researcher! For the study you are designing, be sure to include information on who the participants would be and how you would measure the exposure and outcome variables. Discuss why your study design is stronger or more limited than the original study design, and how you arrived at this conclusion. Finally, pose a question about study designs to your peers that is based on your post.


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