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Discrepancy between husband and wife in social and educational

Which of the following statements describes the person-environment fit modelA. Discrepancy between husband and wife in social and educational
statusB. Goodness of fit between the characteristics of the person and
environmentC. Stressors that result from the happenings in one’s existenceD. None of the aboveReset Selection
Question 13 of 254.0 PointsPersonal behavior and lifestyle factors in health do not includeA. social supportB. alcohol consumptionC. dietary practicesD. lack of exerciseReset Selection
Question 14 of 254.0 PointsThe overarching goals of Healthy People is to:A. increase quality and years of healthy lifeB. eliminate health disparitiesC. both A & BD. none of the aboveReset Selection
Question 15 of 254.0 PointsIn light of the recent emphasis on genetics, the two questions that
epidemiologists ask, in regards to the etiology of a disease are: How much of
the incidence of the disease is due to genetic factors, and how much is due toA. virusesB. bacteriaC. vectorsD. the environmentReset Selection
Question 16 of 254.0 PointsExamples of social incongruity include:A. discrepancy between parents in social statusB. discrepancy between generations, e.g., fathers and sonsC. changes from rural to urban residenceD. all of the aboveReset Selection
Question 17 of 254.0 PointsOne of the most important concepts in Epidemiology for you to grasp is the idea
of multiple causality. This concept means that there is more than one single
factor that must be present for disease to develop. Given what you’ve learned in
this course, which of the following are likely to be multi-factorial in
etiology?A. obesityB. coronary heart diseaseC. lung cancerD. all of the aboveReset Selection
Question 18 of 254.0 PointsThe most important methodological problems in the measurement of life events
are:A. subject’s recall abilityB. reliability of measurementC. memory biasesD. all of the aboveReset Selection
Question 19 of 254.0 PointsWhich of the following conditions would not be likely to be considered a Western
or way-of-life disease:A. Bacterial infectionsB. Diverticular diseaseC. ObesityD. DiabetesReset Selection
Question 20 of 254.0 PointsWhich of the following statements describes life events?A. Discrepancy between husband and wife in social and educational
statusB. Goodness of fit between the characteristics of the person and
environmentC. Stressors that result from the happenings in one’s existenceD. None of the aboveReset Selection
Question 21 of 254.0 PointsAccording to The Association of Schools of Public Health, competencies in
epidemiology to be achieved by Master of Public Health degree candidates in
public health includeA. Evaluating the strengths and limitations of epidemiologic reports.B. Calculating basic epidemiology measuresC. Communicating epidemiologic information to lay and professional
audiencesD. all of the aboveReset Selection
Question 22 of 254.0 PointsCareer roles for epidemiologist includeA. academic workersB. pharmaceutical and biotech industry workersC. research workersD. all of the aboveReset Selection
Question 23 of 254.0 PointsThe ethical guidelines for Epidemiologists includes:A. minimization of risks and the protection of research subjectsB. protection of privacy of research participantsC. obtaining proper informed consent of research subjects and submitting
their research studies for review by an independent ethics review committeeD. all of the aboveReset Selection


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