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Describe what is meant by ‘culture’ and discuss the effect of culture on health outcomes in Australia

Describe what is meant by ‘culture’ and discuss the effect of culture on health outcomes in Australia. Include in your discussion reference to relevant data to support your understanding.Document Preview: 

Assessment 2: Formal Essay (40%)OverviewThis essay enables you to explore the concept of culture from a health perspective, and to develop your understanding of the links between culture and health outcomes in contemporary Australia. Constructing the essay will help you develop your capacity to read for academic purpose, organise ideas, and to communicate what you have learned in a scholarly way.DetailsEssay QuestionDescribe what is meant by ‘culture’ and discuss the effect of culture on health outcomes in Australia. Include in your discussion reference to relevant data to support your understanding. Student Directions Read the question and then construct a formal essay using the criteria provided to inform your work.You are required to include at least two (2) journal articles to support your work.You are required to use a minimum of five (5) sources (including the two journal articles) to inform your essay. Your work will be assessed using the marking criteria included within this Learning Guide.IMPORTANT:You are expected to write in an academic style. This means that you are expected to read widely, and include relevant information in your essay. You MUST acknowledge the source of all the information within your essay (in-text referencing) and in a Reference List at the end of your essay.For accurate referencing you must refer to: University of Western Sydney (2011) American Psychological Association referencing style guide. Penrith:  UWS. Retrieved from your computer ‘word count’ function to tell you the length of your essay i.e. how many words you have written. Do not include the reference list at the end of your essay in the word countIf you exceed the word limit by more than 10% the marker will stop marking your essay at the 1000 word, plus 10% point. The word count, or length of the essay, must be included on the cover sheet.School of Nursing and Midwifery400747-…


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