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Create your survivor?s guide to learning and developing principles of management.

Create your survivor?s guide to learning and developing principles of management..

Create your survivor?s guide to learning and developing principles of management.

Introduction to Principles of
Reading this chapter will help you do the following:
1. Learn who managers are and about the nature of their work.
2. Know why you should care about leadership, entrepreneurship, and strategy.
3. Know the dimensions of the planning-organizing-leading-controlling (P-O-L-C) framework.
4. Learn how economic performance feeds social and environmental performance.
5. Understand what performance means at the individual and group levels.
6. Create your survivor?s guide to learning and developing principles of management.
We?re betting that you already have a lot of experience with organizations, teams, and leadership. You?ve been
through schools, in clubs, participated in social or religious groups, competed in sports or games, or taken on fullor
part-time jobs. Some of your experience was probably pretty positive, but you were also likely wondering
sometimes, ?Isn?t there a better way to do this??
After participating in this course, we hope that you find the answer to be ?Yes!? While management is both art
and science, with our help you can identify and develop the skills essential to better managing your and others?
behaviors where organizations are concerned.
Before getting ahead of ourselves, just what is management, let alone principles of management? A manager?s
primary challenge is to solve problems creatively, and you should view management as ?the art of getting things
done through the efforts of other people.?[1] The principles of management, then, are the means by which you
actually manage, that is, get things done through others?individually, in groups, or in organizations. Formally
defined, the principles of management are the activities that ?plan, organize, and control the operations of the
basic elements of [people], materials, machines, methods, money and markets, providing direction and
coordination, and giving leadership to human efforts, so as to achieve the sought objectives of the enterprise.?[2]
For this reason, principles of management are often discussed or learned using a framework called P-O-L-C, which
stands for planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.
Managers are required in all the activities of organizations: budgeting, designing, selling, creating, financing,
accounting, and artistic presentation; the larger the organization, the more managers are needed. Everyone
employed in an organization is affected by management principles, processes, policies, and practices as they are
either a manager or a subordinate to a manager, and usually they are both.
Managers do not spend all their time managing. When choreographers are dancing a part, they are not
managing, nor are office managers managing when they personally check out a customer?s credit. Some
employees perform only part of the functions described as managerial?and to that extent, they are mostly
The process of enabling or
authorizing an individual to
think, behave, take action,
and control work and
decision making in
autonomous ways.




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Create your survivor?s guide to learning and developing principles of management.


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