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Create a proposal to present to the state health department to initiate an innovative program to target a major health issue in your community

  • Create a proposal to present to the state health department to initiate an innovative program to target a major health issue in your community. Refer to Healthy People 2020 to identify the health issue. Imagine your Learning Team will be competing for limited funds of $500,000 that have become available in your state. The Learning Team PowerPoint®Presentation should include notes section and should include 12 to 15 slides. Presentations should be 15 to 20 minutes. Complete the following in your presentation.
  • Pick a community setting from the Neighborhood to implement this innovative program to improve the health of this population.
  • Identify a vulnerable population within this community and include reasons for your choice.
  • Use a specific age group and provide information to the State Health Department that demonstrates the seriousness of the issues for this population and the need for assistance.
  • Review the professional leadership characteristics that you will use in your proposal.


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