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choose a qualitative or quantitative study to critically evaluate, including making a recommendation for utilization in EBP.

Question Description

The final project presents a culmination of nursing research and evidence-based practice (EBP)knowledge as students choose a qualitative or quantitative study to critically evaluate, including making a recommendation for utilization in EBP.

In a 5 page paper (excluding title page and references), critically evaluate either Study 3 or Study 4, which can be found in the Module 7 Overview. Evaluate the credibility of professional citation, research design, and procedures in a research article. Include a discussion on how this study contributes to EBP. Use the Final Project Rubric provided below to help you develop and organize your final paper. Please remember to follow APA 6th edition formatting for the title page, body of the paper, and reference page.


All unlinked articles listed below can be accessed through the American Sentinel University Library.


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