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Application: Informatics Functional Area

Application: Informatics Functional Area

Attached is my weekly discussion to my peers. Also are few supporting articles. to support leadership roles in administration, leadership and management. Also, I enjoy compliance too, leadership. I will let you decide, it depends on what you find out there via google which is supporting and evidence -based.

Please ensure paper is written in APA format to include cited references


Informatics is one of the most diverse disciplines in health care. Many nurses have been able to capitalize on their informatics knowledge and interests to carve out new roles within their own health care setting.  As you embark on your own informatics career path, it is important to be aware of the vast possibilities that await you. One of the best sources to begin your investigation is the American Nurses Association (ANA). The ANA recognizes that nursing informatics titles have little standardization across health care settings. As such, they have categorized the roles of informaticist into nine functional categories:

  • Administration, leadership, and management
  • Analysis
  • Compliance and integrity management
  • Consultation
  • Coordination, facilitation, and integration
  • Development
  • Educational and professional development
  • Policy development and advocacy
  • Research and evaluation (ANA, 2015, pp. 32-34)

In this Assignment, you first consider the various functional areas as outlined by the ANA. You then examine your personal attributes and interests as you consider your future as a nurse informaticist.

To prepare:


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